It is always hard to find a place the first time. In Florence, different portions of a street may have different names and it is only after the "I'm lost" experience that one can figure out directions. Once this was done, we found Gelsomino to be in a great location (but nearby San Ambrogio market is overrated, more like a tourist trap !), spotlessly clean, well furnished in amenities for cooking and within walking distances to both Santa Maria Novella and Campo di Marte train stations. We prepared our meals and hardly had to buy essentials like olive oil, spices etc: they were passed on by previous guests - Grazie to them ! Gelsomino delivered on its promises and we were satisfied. BTW, up to 6 people may stay there with its 2 sofa beds and 2 single beds but problem is there is only one toilet: that's why there is a guest number restriction. We found Gelsomino's courtyard fabulous for eating meals and drying laundry ...