There are many bridges in Florence, six of which are in the center of town: Ponte San Niccolò, Ponte alle Grazie, Ponte Vecchio, Ponte Santa Trinita, Ponte alla Carraia and Ponte Amerigo Vespucci. This is because the right bank, without the left one, has no reason to exist. Florence becomes a complete city when the monumental part with The Old Palace, the cathedral and the other important churches symbolizing the town with so many historical buildings hosting the most famous and excellent fashion brands of the world finds its ideal mate - Oltrarno, literally beyond the Arno river, the other bank with her home cooking restaurants, the Medici residence in Pitti Palace and the masterpiece of the Boboli Gardens. The exchange of colors and suggestions from architectural styles makes Florence a unique city, a journey within a journey.

Where is the original David carved by Michelangelo? Where can you taste a good glass of Chianti?
Starting from the quarters that, like a mosaic, make up the city, we will discover their characteristics, pros and cons. All we need is a nice and comfortable pair of shoes and wearing a smile every time we ask for direction or general information.



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